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Phase 5-Reflections on the results as a basis for new planning


The role of the teacher must be in continuous change, reflecting on their own experience makes school practices develop with quality.


 Today, however, the internet, technology and the media, and the use of English in face-to-face as well as virtual social networks provide greater
opportunities for meaningful and authentic language use than are available in the classroom.

As language teachers we must explore different ways to redirect different difficulties in the classroom.

we must stop thinking that if our classes are fun they cannot be productive. awaken creativity in students through constant motivation


Red Wall & Stairs


The result of my proposal was very satisfactory for me, because I was able to realize and reflect on the shortcomings or difficulties that my students have to learn English and how I can be involved in that process of transformation and change, it is for me an opportunity to change and innovation.

One of the most significant changes is to make the student focus on his level of performance and motivate himself to improve, in this case the students developed several activities that required them to do things better and better and the best of all is to see the enthusiasm of each student especially their constant effort.

A very important reflection is to focus on the student and put aside the concern about grades or to comply with the study plan, to be more dynamic and innovative in my classes, to make students enjoy each activity that is done in the classroom. What is really important is that the student learns at his own pace and can achieve true learning.


We must take into account the characteristics of the group of students and identify possible shortcomings. This will establish an improvement plan and redirect our practices.

If there are good results in practice, we must continue to implement these strategies regardless of the completion of a research cycle.




The proposed activity was successfully achieved.


The digital tools that were used were of great impact and gave good results.


An innovative proposal was made that the children liked..

The significant changes in my pedagogical practice promote a reflection of being a teacher and how to become a mediator of learning in the teaching of a second language.


American Psychological Association. (2016). Creativity in the Classroom [YouTube]. Recovered from

Tebar, L. (2011). El panorama educativo en la sociedad actual. In El profesor mediador del aprendizaje (2nd ed., pp. 19–53). Bogotá D.C.: Editorial Magisterio. Recovered from

Tebar, L. (2011). Los fundamentos del paradigma mediador. In El profesor mediador del aprendizaje (2nd ed., pp. 55–98). Bogotá D.C.: Editorial Magisterio. Recovered from

Tebar, L. (2011). El perfil del profesor mediador de aprendizajes. In El profesor mediador del aprendizaje (2nd ed., pp. 99–128). Bogotá D.C.: Editorial Magisterio. Recovered from

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