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Master of Pedagogical Mediation in English Learning

My name is Sandra Milena Cuadros, I am 34 years old, I am a teacher by vocation, I enjoy what I do and every day I strive to give the best of myself to my students, I am more than a teacher who transmits knowledge, I care about their interests and needs. I am a teacher with a degree in English in basic primary at the BICENTENARIO school, I especially enjoy teaching primary school children, because their gratitude, joy and disposition make each day better for and for them.

Grupo de aprendizaje

My experience

My name is Sandra Milena Cuadros, I am 34 years old, and I have been a teacher in elementary school for 10 years.

I chose the teaching path because I am really passionate about it, I love teaching, especially to children. I believe that more than a profession it is a vocation in which we are changing lives. Children infect us with energy and we are for them more than a teacher, sometimes at school we are psychologists, lawyers, nurses, parents, etc. and thus our profession becomes a mixture of sensations and experiences, giving meaning to the being of the teacher.

Regarding my experience as an English student, I can say that it has not been entirely very satisfactory. At the school where I finished high school, the focus in this area was not very productive and I learned very little. But this became a challenge for me, because when I entered university and decided what career to study, I opted for a degree in English. It was not easy at first, even though I thought about giving up, but every day I convinced myself that having a knowledge of languages ​​would give me many opportunities.

At the same time that I started my studies in languages, I was also taking an English course at the UIS (Industrial University of Santander). Well, I had to overcome many gaps. And finally I finished my degree and now I am here starting my master's degree. This fills me with pride and joy because I had not been able to enter due to my financial situation.

Some of the teachers who have marked my experience in language learning either because of their dynamic and fun classes or, on the contrary, because it reaches a point of not wanting to be in the classroom, it becomes monotonous and boring. The theme may be the same but the teacher is the one who makes the difference and makes his students admire him and be a role model. Every time I think about planning my classes I think about this, I don't want my students to feel compelled to be there if not to enjoy what we are doing.

 As for my experience as an English teacher, well only a few years ago I have been in charge of the subject for grades 4 and 5. It is a very enriching experience that motivates me every day to improve my teaching field. I consider that I strive for them to learn in a different way, I like that the students are very active and participate through games, songs, role-playing, videos, films, exhibitions, among others.

As we observed in the previous video, unfortunately we are immersed in an educational system that only emphasizes the result and not the process, a grade is more important than the student. And we are content with filling books and notebooks.

I have great expectations when starting this master's degree, I decided to continue with the emphasis on language teaching because first of all I like what I do, I want to strengthen the skills and abilities in my pedagogical practice and I feel that this will bring a great change for my life and obviously in my profession. I want to be better every day and make the students who pass through my hands have a different perspective, want to learn, be autonomous and enjoy each activity we do together. This is the beginning of a new challenge full of professional achievements.

1. Why did you choose to be an educator?

I chose to be a teacher because it is something that I am really passionate about, I have the vocation to serve children, I think that we must be very human and take into account the interests of each student, motivate them in an integral way.

2.  What do you like the most about your profession?

 I like the most is spending time with my students, listening to them, laughing, supporting them and having spaces for reflection. I adore their incidents. I love hearing that you like my classes.

3. What is the greatest satisfaction you have had as a teacher?

It is very nice when they remember me with affection, when the students tell me that I am demanding but that I teach with love, they value my work.

4.  In your opinion: What is the sense of being an English teacher?

I feel unique, because it is a very different subject to all, but all the others are immersed in it. I feel important, just the simple fact of being the "teacher" or "miss" being an English teacher inspires and makes your students dream and think of a better future.

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